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- Created by Joonas Masing, last modified on 10.06.2024
In this guide, you will find instructions about distance learning and work for students.
Also check: E-learner`s handbook, Digitöö nipid.
Also check this video recording (in Estonian): Infopooltund. Digiõppe ja -töö juhised üliõpilasele
- For technical support on hardware and software, contact the IT helpdesk at +372 737 5500 (5500). See https://www.ut.ee/en/university/it-info
- If you encounter issues with the Study Information System, contact your SIS coordinator or send an e-mail to ois.tugi@ut.ee
- Guidelines are available in the wiki of the UT IT helpdesk
- For general guidelines, see the Organisation of studies during the state of emergency – information for students
- Regarding the work of the IT Office, see the Organisation of work of the IT Office during emergency situation
- IT operational information: IT operatiivinfo / operational information
- The main tool for managing studies at the UT is the Study Information System (SIS). See also SIS info and help for learner
- The main e-learning solutions of the University of Tartu include
- Moodle: e-courses, see https://sisu.ut.ee/juhendid/moodle-instructions-students
- Panopto: video recordings of lectures.
- BigBlueButton: video-based online seminars, see https://sisu.ut.ee/juhendid/bbb-0
- LimeSurvey for creating surveys, see https://sisu.ut.ee/juhendid/limesurvey-0
- Mahara for building portfolios, see https://sisu.ut.ee/juhendid/mahara-0
- Urkund for detecting plagiarism, see https://sisu.ut.ee/juhendid/using-urkund-moodle-plugin
- Microsoft Teams for interactive group discussions, see How to start a Teams meeting or seminar? (in Estonian)
- See also https://www.ut.ee/en/studies/elearning/learning and Applications of UT information systems
- For most applications of the UT information system, you only need a computer connected to the internet and a web browser.
- Most UT applications can be also used in a smart mobile device.
- For video calls, online seminars and recording of lectures you need a microphone, headphones and a camera.
- All university members (more than 17,000) can use the applications of MS Office 365 online or download the application to up to five computers. Guidelines on how to become a user of MS Office 365 and to get the software: Installing Microsoft Office 365 Education
- Teaching staff members give detailed instructions on where to find particular study materials
- Video recordings of online seminars made with BBB
- Other popular sites for storing study materials include
- https://courses.cs.ut.ee used at the UT Institute of Computer Science for sharing course information and materials
- https://courses.ms.ut.ee used at the UT Institute of Mathematics and Statistics
- Sisu@ut.ee includes web sites related to studies and research at the UT in the fields of medicina, humaniora, socialia, realia et naturalia and varia
- Collection of the UT library Dspace
- UTTV with many video lectures
- See also UT environments for storing digital content and https://www.ut.ee/et/oppimine/e-ope/oppijale/videoloengud
- The best solution for file management is Microsoft Onedrive, giving UT students up to 1 TB of cloud storage space.
- To log in to Teams and other Microsoft Office 365 applications, make sure to enter your username in the format username@ut.ee. Do not enter the username only or the format name.surname@ut.ee
- If your Office 365 account has not been activated yet, use your username to do it on the website of Office 365 Education. For more detailed guidelines, see: Installing Microsoft Office 365 Education
- See also Microsoft Teams and FAQ - Teams tips and tricks
- The UT user account is created automatically for all staff and students
- Students get the UT account for one year. The account's period of validity will be extended at the beginning of every academic year, if it is noted in the Study Information System that the student is continuing studies.
- For more information on creating the user account, contact the IT helpdesk by calling +372 737 5500 (5500) or sending an e-mail to arvutiabi@ut.ee
- See also Period of validity of user account and Access to UT information systems
- You can change your password on https://passwd.ut.ee. This changes the password in all UT systems. See also Changing the password
- All students get a UT e-mail address in the format name.surname@ut.ee.
- See also E-mail
- From January 29, 2024 at 3:00 p.m., due to security reasons, the forwarding of @ut.ee e-mail to non-university e-mail addresses was stopped and all current forwarding was stopped. After January 29, people who have forwarded mail can only read them from the @ut.ee mailbox either through the website mail365.ut.ee and https://kiri.ut.ee or by adding the @ut.ee mailbox to the e-mail application of their computer and smart device. Also check FAQ turning off e-mail forwarding
- You can add a personal e-mail address to your SIS profile
- All university members (more than 17,000) can use the applications of MS Office 365 online or download the application to up to five computers.
- Guidelines on how to become a user of MS Office 365 and to get the software: Installing Microsoft Office 365 Education
- Office applications for Apple and Android smart devices can be downloaded from corresponding app stores.
- When signing up as an Office user, enter your user account as username@ut.ee.
- The academic data network Eduroam meant for UT members or people involved with other Eduroam projects can be used at the UT buildings, including student residences
- The networks Ut-public and Campuswifi can be used both with and without the UT account
- It is possible to use the databases of the UT library for study and research. See also Using databases from home computer (in Estonian)
- To access the databases from outside the library, a secure connection must be created by virtual private network (VPN) software. See VPN connection
- The University of Tartu uses both regular network printers and a centralized network of printers, which allows all employees and students (Print In City) to use cloud printers located in educational buildings.
- The university identification card (staff) or the national ID-card (students) is required to use the cloud printers.
- Instructions for students: About Print in City.
- Also check Printing
For teamwork, the applications of MS Office 365 are preferred:
- Microsoft Teams is a centralised teamwork tool for file management, discussions and online meetings. MS Teams allows all users to create a workspace for their team and add team members according to their needs
- Sharepoint and Onedrive are file repositories synchronised with the file management space of Microsoft Teams
- Word, Excel and Powerpoint are office software that can also be used online or from a smart device
- Use only a reliable and secure computer network for distance learning
- If you do not remember your password, change it securely on https://passwd.ut.ee
- See Guidelines on cybersecurity
- In the home office, you have to think about light, noise, temperature, humidity and air exchange
- Choose an ergonomic work chair and work position
- Find high-quality video and audio equipment
- Read more about Digital work tips
- Sufficient home data connection is estimated at 10 Mb/s per person
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