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Siit lehelt leiab juhiseid kuidas vabaneda üleliigsest digiprügist. Palume koristuseks võtta aega ning mõelda läbi, millised dokumente, e-kirju, faile jm kustutada, et oluline teave ei läheks kaotsi.

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(info) In English

Kuidas ja milleks koristada digiprügi:


Viis nippi, kuidas enda seadmeid digiprügist puhtaks teha.

On this page, we have gathered guidelines on what and how to delete. Take time for digital cleanup and think about which documents, emails, files, etc. can be deleted so that important information is not lost.

Resources and materials:

Guidelines for the general user

  • How to free up space on my computer?
  • How to free up space on my Android phone?
  • How to free up space on iPhones?
  • How to free up space in Microsoft 365
  • How to get more space in Google services?
  • How to get rid of external data carriers?
  • How to clear data from an old device?
  • How does deleting digital waste make life safer?
  • How does digital cleaning help you be more productive?
  • How much space do office applications take up?
  • Five tips on how to clean your devices from digital pollution
  • ?

    Guidelines for lecturers and their assistants

  • How to do digital cleaning in Moodle?
  • How to do digital cleaning in Panopto?
  • How to do digital cleaning in BigBlueButton?
  • How to do digital cleaning in Mahara?

    Guidelines for organizing other services and data

    How to close and delete an unnecessary mailing lists (SYMPA listserver)
  • How to delete Sisu@UT web pages?
  • How to delete old LimeSurvey surveys?
  • What are the alternatives to data deletion?
  • Other guides

  • Your digital footprint reveals more than you realise
  • Here's what to do with your old smartphone when you get a new one