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University of Tartu IT wiki

In this guide, you will find instructions on how to connect eduroam using an Android device.

Connecting to eduroam (Android)

This page will explain, how to set up eduroam on your Android device.

  1. Open the Settings menu on your device.
  2. From the Setting menu, find the entry called Wi-Fi.
  3. From the list of available wireless networks, find eduroam and press on it to connect.
  1. When connecting, you will be prompted for additional settings. Use the following settings:
    1. EAP method: PEAP
    2. Phase-2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
    3. Identity: University of Tartu user account in the format
    4. Password: Password associated with your University of Tartu user account.
    5. CA cerificate: Use system certificates
    6. Online certificate status: Request status
    7. Domain:

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