Restriction of registered credit points
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- In one semester, it is allowed to register for courses within the maximum volume of 50 ECTS (Study Regulations, clause 63).
- In addition to 50 ECTS, it is allowed to register for the graduation theses (course type Course with defence at the end or Working practice).
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- External students are allowed to register for courses within the maximum volume of 30 ECTS in an academic year (Study Regulations, clause 19).
- In addition to 30 ECTS, it is allowed to register for the graduation thesis, final exam and traineeship (course type Course with defence at the end or Working practice).
The restriction by volume does not include courses on the waiting list. Still, there is a restriction of volume when registering for courses from the waiting list. When the volume of 50 ECTS (for external student 30 ECTS per academic year) is full, and you have an opportunity to register for a course from the waiting list, you have to choose whether you leave the waiting list or cancel some course for which you have registered already. If you choose courses for registration for more than 50 ECTS, a red message is shown at the blocks of planned courses and courses on the waiting list: In one semester, you can register for courses for 50 ECTS as a maximum; the volume does not include the graduation thesis (Study Regulations, clause 63). Registration for courses in a greater volume can be decided by the programme director. To external students, when registering for courses for more than 30 ECTS per academic year, an icon with an exclamation mark is displayed in front of the course title instead of the checkbox, and when moving the cursor to it, the message: As an external student, you can register for courses in the maximum volume of 30 ECTS per one semester (see Figure). 