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Table of Contents


Entering a simple query and sending an invitations to tender

Starting a new query

To create a new simple query you must select Query -> Simple query from the DMIS (document management information system) menu Add new.

Tenderer details

Enter the details of the tenderers to whom you wish to send the invitation to tender. To do this, click on the field Tenderer details:

The Add contact window will open:

Search the system for available data on the tenderer. To do this, in the Company name field (in the red box), start typing the name of the tenderer. For example, in the case of SA Archimedes, start typing Archimedes.. etc.. If more than one contact is offered, select the option with the registration code.

  • If the tenderer is present in system and the details of the institution in the red box and the contact person in the blue box match, select Add.
  • If the tenderer is present in system and the contact details of the institution in the red box match, but the contact details in the blue box do not, i.e. the invitation should be sent to another person/address, then edit/add the contact details (blue box). Then select Add.
  • If the tenderer is not in the system, enter the details of the institution in the Company name and E-mail fields (red box). If you also have a contact person's name and e-mail address, fill in the fields in the blue box and select Add.

When adding a contact, never modify/update the existing company details (red box). If necessary, edit/update the contact person details (blue box).

More in-depth user guide on adding contacts (in Estonian)

If you are asking for a tender from fewer than three tenderers, please add a justification in the Reason (if you are asking...) field .

Check that the contact details you enter are up to date and correct. It is not possible to modify the contact details in the query once the invitation(s) to tender has been sent! However, if there is a need to add or correct contact details, the existing query must be cancelled and a new enquiry must be created(see how to cancel... Cancel a query)

Query details

When filling in the fields, also check the help texts by holding the mouse over the icon 

  • Enter the name of the query - add a title to the query containing the name of the procurement object. For example, "Translation service for article", etc.
  • Enter a description of the query and/or attach it as file(s) in the following field Description as file.. .. To enlarge the input area, scroll the box from the bottom right to make it larger. Describe the service or product you are requesting as fully and unambiguously as possible. Be sure to include the quantity requested, the delivery address/place of delivery, etc. If you refer to a specific product name, brand, trademark, etc. in the terms and conditions, always add 'or equivalent'
  • Enter the deadline for the submission of tenders, i.e. the deadline by which tenderers can submit their tenders and after which the contracting authority can inspect them -
    • Insert date and time.
    • Give tenderers sufficient time to prepare and submit their tenders.
    • Once invitation(s) to tender has been sent out, it is not possible to change the deadline for submission of tenders. If the tenderer asks for an extension of the deadline for submission of tenders anda a contractor agree to extend it, a new query must be issued (see how to cancel Cancel a query)
  • Enter the deadline for fulfilling the order, i.e. the latest date by which the service must be provided or the goods delivered. If you enter the delivery time in days/months/weeks ("10 months", "4 weeks"), the delivery time will start counting from the moment the decision on the query is made, i.e. from the moment the order is confirmed (or, if the query results in the conclusion of a sales contract, from the moment the contract is concluded). You can also enter as a specific date, e.g. "21.05.2022", "not later than 01.10.2022", etc. 
  • Tender validity period - indicate how long the tender must be valid from the deadline for submission of tenders, for example "The tender must be valid for at least 30 days from the deadline for submission of tenders.". The period of validity of a tender starts from the deadline for submission of tenders and must be long enough to allow a decision to be taken on the valid tender, meaning to confirm the order/enter into purchase contract. At the time of the decision, only a valid offer can be the basis.
  • Expected cost - enter only if you want tenderers to know what you have estimated. The amount entered is not a mandatory for tenderers.
  • Evaluation criterion - indicate the criteria on the basis of which you will select the successful tenderer. This is the typical criterion for selecting the successful tenderer in public procurement - the lowest cost. In addition to cost, other parameters may be taken into account in the evaluation, such as additional guarantees, additional functionality, etc. Edit/add if necessary. It is essential that the evaluation criterion(s) is (are) already included in the query. The evaluation criterion may not be modified/added after the deadline for submission of tenders.
  • Documents/data to be provided in the tender - indicate which documents must be included in the tender. If necessary, modify/complete the pre-inserted text.
  • Project ID - if the subject of the procurement is an expenditure related to project(s), enter here the ID of the project(s) (number, name, etc.).

Query team

If necessary, add team members to the query.

Be sure to add a team member or several from your structural unit, if you know that you are going on vacation or for some other reason you cannot answer the questions about the query promptly, review the tenders quickly enough and make a decision about the query.

Image Modified

Meeskonnaliikmed saavad päringu kohta e-postile järgmisi teavitusi:

  • pakkuja on esitanud küsimuse päringu kohta,
  • pakkumuste esitamise tähtaeg on möödunud,
  • pakkuja on vastanud küsimusele pakkumise kohta, 
  • pakkumuste esitamise tähtajast on möödunud 1 kuu (juhul kui selleks ajaks pole päringu kohta otsust tehtud.

Päringu koostajaga samast struktuuriüksusest isikutel on alati päringu lugemisõigus  (ei pea selleks meeskonda lisama).

Päringu koostajaga erinevast struktuuriüksusest isikutel puudub päringu lugemisõigus ning nemad näevad konkreetset päringut vaid päringute loetelus (päringu numbrit, nimetust ja staatust, hankija nime, pakkumuse esitamise tähtaega).

Päringu koostajaga samast struktuuriüksusest isiku meeskonda lisamisel saab isik päringus kirjutamisõiguse (õigus näha päringu andmeid, pakkumusi ja otsuseid, teha ise otsuseid, vastata küsimustele/esitada küsimusi).

Päringu koostajaga erinevast struktuuriüksusest isiku meeskonda lisamisel saab isik päringus lugemisõiguse (õigus näha päringu andmeid, pakkumusi, otsuseid, küsimusi-vastuseid, ise küsida-vastata ja otsuseid teha ei saa). 

Meeskonnaliikmeks ei pea lisama päringu koostajat (väli Hankija). Päringu koostajal on päringus nii lugemis- kui ka kirjutamisõigus ning ta saab ka kõik teavitused päringu kohta.

Meeskonna liikmete lisamine

Meeskonna liikmeid saad muuta/täiendada kõigis päringu etappides (nii enne kui ka pärast pakkumuste esitamise tähtaega). See on ka ainuke asi, mida päringu juurde muuta saab pärast pakkumuste esitamise tähataja möödumist.

Selleks vajuta Image Removed Päringu andmed all Muuda. Avaneb: 

Image Removed

Otsi loetelust inimene(sed) keda soovid lisada, vajuta Image Removed ja seejärel Image Removed

Päringu salvestamine ja pakkumiskutse saatmine

Veendu, et andmed said ammendavalt ja õigesti sisestatud.

Pakkumuskutse saatmiseks vajuta Image Removed.

Võid ka päringu koos sisestatud andmetega salvestada vajutades nuppu Image Removed , hiljem päringu andmeid muuta/täiendada ning pakkumiskutsed hiljem välja saata.

AnchorteadeteadePäringu andmete täiendamine

Pärast pakkumiskutsete välja saatmist kuni pakkumuste esitamise tähtajani saad saata pakkujatele vajadusel teateid täienenud päringu andmetest. 

Päringu kohta saadetud teated on osa päringu lähteandmetest.

Päringu andmeid täiendades arvesta, et pakkujatel jääks piisavalt aega uue pakkumuse koostamiseks, sest päringule seatud pakkumuste esitamise tähtaega muuta ei saa!

Kui teate saatmise aja ja pakkumuste esitamise tähtaja vahele jääb liiga vähe aega, tuleb päring pigem tühistada ja koostada uus päring. Sel juhul saada pakkujatele teade, et päringu andmed on täienenud ja kuna pakkumuste esitamiseks jääb liiga vähe aega, siis koostad uue päringu ning olemasolevale päringule pakkumusi ei oota. Olemasolevale päringule tuleb pakkumuste esitamise tähtaja möödumisel koostada eitav otsus põhjendusega "Päring tühistatud, sest päringu lähteandmed muutusid ning pakkujatele ei jäänud piisvalt aega uuenenud andmete põhjal pakkumust koostada".

Päringu kohta teate saatmiseks vajuta nuppu Saada teade:

Image Removed

Avaneb teate saatmise vaade:

Image Removed

Lisa teade väljale Sisu ning vajuta nuppu Saada teade. Kõikidele pakkumiskutse saanud pakkujatele saadetakse teavituskiri päringu andmete uuendamise kohta.

Saadetud teateid näed päringu vaatamise lehel plokis Teade ja saadetud teavituskirju plokis E-post.

Päringu kohta esitatud küsimusele vastamine

Pakkuja küsimusele vastamine

Pakkuja esitatud küsimusest päringu kohta saadab DHIS päringu koostajale ja kõigile päringu meeskonna liikmetele teate e-postile. Teates sisalduvale lingile vajutades avaneb päringu vaade. Keri allapoole ja leia plokk Image Removed, ning klõpsa küsimus lahti:

Image Removed

Küsimusele vastamiseks vajuta nuppu Vasta. Avaneb:

Image Removed

Päringu kohta esitatud küsimuste vastused on osa päringu lähteandmetest.

Kui sinu vastus muudab või täiendab päringu lähteandmeid, siis võta arvesse pakkumuse esitamise tähtaega ja jäta pakkujatele piisavalt aega pakkumuse koostamiseks ja esitamiseks.

Esialgu seatud pakkumuse esitamise tähtaega päringul muuta ei saa. Kui pakkujatele ei jää piisavalt aega täienenud andmeid arvesse võttes pakkumuse esitamiseks, tuleb päringu kohta saata teade (vt Päringu andmete täiendamine) ja koostada uus päring ning olemasolevale päringule tuleb pakkumuste esitamise tähtaja möödumisel koostada eitav otsus põhjendusega "Päring tühistatud, sest päringu lähteandmed muutusid ning pakkujatele ei jäänud piisvalt aega uuenenud andmete põhjal pakkumust koostada".

Kirjuta vastus väljale Vastus ning vajuta nuppu Saada.

Vastus koos küsimusega kuvatakse pakkuja keskkonnas kõigile pakkujatele.

Küsimuste ja vastuste vaatamine

Päringu andmetest allpool on küsimuste ja vastuste plokk: 

Image Removed

Siin näed kõiki päringuga seotud küsimusi ja vastuseid - nii päringu kohta esitatuid kui ka pärast pakkumuse esitamise tähtaja möödumist pakkujale pakkumuse kohta esitatud küsimusi ja vastuseid neile. Vastamata küsimuse reale klõpsates avaneb aken, kus saab küsimusele vastata.

Päringu tühistamine

Päringu tühistamiseks enne pakkumuste esitamise tähtaja saabumist:

1) saada teade kõigil pakkumuskutse saanud pakkujatele (vt lähemalt Päringu andmete täiendamine), et ei oota päringu kohta pakkumisi, et tühistad päringu ning põhjenda ka tühistamist;

2) pakkumuste esitamise tähtaja möödudes saadab süsteem sulle meilile automaatse teate pakkumuste esitamise tähtaja möödumise kohta. Koosta päringule ei-otsus (st ei valitud edukat pakkumust) põhjendusega "päring tühistatud".

Team members will receive the following email notifications about the query when:

  • the tenderer has asked a question about the query,
  • the deadline for submission of tenders has passed,
  • the tenderer has answered the question about the tender,
  • 1 month has passed since the deadline for submission of tenders (unless there has been decision made about the query by then).

Persons from the same structural unit as the contractor always have the right to read the query (there is no need to add a team for this).

Persons from a different structural unit than the contractor do not have the right to read the query, and they can only see a specific query in the list of queries (number, name and status of the query, name of the contractor, deadline for submission of tender).

When adding a person from the same structural unit to the query team, the person gets the right to write in the query and its documents (the right to see the query data, tenders and decisions, make their own decisions, answer questions/ask questions).

When adding a person from a different structural unit to the query team, the person gets the right to read the query and its documents (the right to see the query data, tenders, decisions, questions-answers, but cannot change, answer/ask questions, make decisions).

You do not need to add the contractor (field Contractor) as a team member. The contractor of the query has both read and write access to the query and its documents and also receives all notifications about the query.

Adding team members

You can change/add team members at all stages of the query (both before and after the deadline for submission of tenders).

To do this, click under Image Added Query data the button Image Added. Opens:

Image Added

Find the person(s) you want to add from the list, press Image Added and then Image Added.

Saving the query and sending the invitation to tender

Make sure you have entered all the information completely and correctly.

To send an invitation to tender, click onImage Added.

You can also save the query with the data you entered by pressing the button. Image Added, modify/update the details of the query later and send out the invitations later.

Updating query data

After sending out invitations to tender, until the deadline for submission of tenders, you can send notice to tenderers about updated query data or conditions as needed.

The notice sent about the query is part of the query's source data.

When supplementing the query data, take into account that the tenderers has enough time to prepare tender for the query with the updated source data, because the deadline for submission of tenders set for the query cannot be changed!

If there is too little time left between the time of sending the notice and the deadline for submission of tendes, it is better to cancel the query and prepare a new query. In this case, send a notice to the tenderers that the query data has been updated and since there is too little time left to submit tenders, you will prepare a new query and therefore no tenders are expected for the existing query. When the deadline for submission of tenders for an existing query comes, draw a no-decision with the an explanation "The query has been cancelled, because the data of the query have changed and there is insufficient time for tenderers to submit a tender on the basis of the updated data".

To send a notice about a query, press the button Send notice:

Image Added

Appears adding a notice view::

Image Added

Add the notice to the field Content and press the button Send notice. All tenderers who have received an invitation to tender will be sent a notification letter about the update of the query data.

You can see the sent notifications in the query view page under the block Notice (Teade) and the sent notification letters under the block E-mail.

Answering a question about a query

Answering tenderer's question

An e-mail notification will be sent to contractor and to all members of the query team when a tenderer has sent a question about the query. Clicking on the link in the notification will open the query view. Scroll down and find the block Image Added , and click on the question to open it:

Image Added

To answer the question, click the button Answer and you'll see:

Image Added

Answers to questions about the query are part of the source data for the query.

If your answer modifies or completes the source data of the query, please take into account the deadline for submission of tenders and allow tenderers sufficient time to prepare and submit their tenders.

The initial deadline for submission of tenders cannot be changed in the query. If there is insufficient time for tenderers to submit a tender taking into account the updated data, a notice of the query must be sent (see the previous section on the updating of the query data) and a new query must be composed, and a no-decision must be drawn up on the existing query when the deadline for submission of tenders has arrived, stating the explanation "The query has been cancelled, because the data of the query have changed and there is insufficient time for tenderers to submit a tender on the basis of the updated data".

Enter your answer in the field Answer and click on the button Send.

The reply with the question will be displayed in the tenderer's environment to all tenderers.

Viewing questions and answers

Below the query data is a block of questions and answers: 

Image Added

Here you can see all the questions and answers related to the query - both on the query and later, after the deadline for submission of tenders, questions and answers about the tenders.

Cancelling a query

To cancel the request, press the button 'Cancel query'.

In the opened screen you can enter a message to all the tenderers about cancelling the query. Be sure to give a reason for cancelling the query and, if you plan to launch a new query, let the tenderers know. You can then cancel the query. 

The status of the cancelled query will change to 'Finished', a notice will be sent to the tenderers and they will no longer be able to offer on that query. 

A query can only be cancelled before the deadline for submission of tenders, when the status of the query is 'Waiting tenders'. After the deadline for submission of tenders, a decision must be taken to close the query (see Drawing up decision).

Once cancelled, a query cannot be reopened.


Examination of tenders

After the deadline for submission of tenders, a notification about the arriving of the deadline will be sent to the contracting authority and to the members of the query team. The notification will include a link to the query.

Verification and evaluation of the tenders

Check whether there are any tenders sent in response to the query. To do this, scroll down the query data page to the block Image Added

  • If there is a 0 in brackets after the block name, it means that no tenders have been submitted. Move on to decide on the query.
  • If there are parentheses after the block name with a number greater than 0, click on the block to open it:

Image Added

All tenders that are in status Submitted and have the field Total (excl VAT) filled in (can also be 0,00), are tenders in the tender procedure and must be opened!

A withdrawn tender is a tender previously submitted by a tenderer but withdrawn before the deadline for submission of tenders. The amount of the withdrawn tender is not displayed and its content is not visible to the contracting authority.

Check the tender's compliance with the requirements and conditions set out in the data of the query and select the successful tender on the basis of the evaluation criteria.

1) To do this, open and examine all the tenders submitted in turn (image opposite).

2) Look at the tender as described in the field Content and, if files were submitted with the tender, at their content (field Content (files)).

3) Check whether the submitted tender fulfils the conditions set out in the source data of the query. The query source data are:

  • the data and the conditions of the query set out in the invitation to tender,
  • the notices of the query sent before the deadline for submission of tenders, and
  • the answers to the questions about the query sent in response before the deadline for submission of tenders.

If the condition was set in the source data of the query, the tender must comply with it. If it does not, the tender must be rejected and it will not be evaluated.

4) Start evaluate tenders that meet the conditions set out. Tenders must always be evaluated essentially, meaning the number entered in the field Total (excl VAT) cannot be used as a basis. Always check the calculations included in the tender. The contracting authority must ensure that the tender, the calculations and the cost are correct and unambiguous before taking a decision.

If there are any ambiguities in the tender, or if the value entered in the field Total (excl VAT) differs from the value indicated in the tender and the reason for the difference is unclear or the calculations are incorrect, the tenderer must be asked for an explanation (see instructions below). Tenders may not be modified, therefore the tenderer may only provide clarifications, explanations, confirmations, etc. on the tender.

Always choose the cheapest tender that meets the conditions. 

Image Added

Drawing lots

If there is more than one tender with the same lowest cost among the eligible tenders in the travel service query, you must draw lots between them.

Let the tenderers who have submitted equally successful tenders know the time, place and procedure for the draw by sending a letter about tender (see Sending a letter about the tender). Let tenderers know that if they wish to take part in the draw, they may do so through an official representative or an authorised agent, as indicated in the e-business register. In the latter case, the tenderer must provide a power of attorney for the authorised representative before the draw. Include your e-mail address in the notification in case the tenderer wishes to send a power of attorney (it will not be able to attach a file to the reply via the tenderer's environment).

Example of the procedure of drawing lots: For drawing lots, labels with the names of the tenders are used. The labels are either folded or placed in a separate envelope so that they cannot be distinguished externally. The labels shall be mixed before drawing. The representative of the tenderer or of the contracting authority draws the label and the tenderer whose tender is marked on the label is successful.

The conduct and result of the draw must be recorded. The record must be annexed to the decision on the query. A note to this effect must also be made when the decision is drawn up in the field Explanation of the decision. For example: 'Among the tenders that met the conditions, the tenders with the lowest value were those with equal value. The successful tender was selected by a draw of lots. The successful tender is ...."

Sending a letter about the tender

After the deadline for submission of tenders, the information given in the tender may not be supplemented or amended. Only clarification, explanation, confirmation of the information provided in the tender is permitted.

To send a letter, click on the button Image Added in the tender view. The window for submitting a question will open (image on the right).

Enter the question (or a note about the drawing lots time, place and procedure ) in the field Question and click the button Send.

Contracting officer and members of the query team will be notified of the response to the submitted question by email. The email will contain a link to the query page.

Image Added

All the questions and answers related to the query - both about the query and the tender - can be found on the query page under the block Image Added

Image Added

Drawing up a decision

Before taking a decision, make sure you have read the information exchange about the query (blocks Notice and Question/answer). 

Click on the button Image Added to create a decision.

If the "Adding: Decision" view does not open when you click on the button Draw up a decision, check if there is a "Detailed view" button next to the "Edit" button.

Image Added

If it is, click on it and you can start the decision again (click on button Draw up a decision again).

The screen for adding a decision opens (picture in the right):

1) Select from the drop-down menu Was a successful tender selected? :

  • Yes - the successful tender(s) will be selected;
  • No - the successful tender(s) will not be selected.

Image Added

2) If "Yes", meaning the query has successful tender(s), the table with all tenders submitted for the query will open:

Image Added

Image Added

  • In the table, in the column after the tender(s) you wish to award, select the column Is it successful tender? -> "Yes" and then in the column In what amount is successful? (excl VAT), insert the amount for which you intend to award this tender. If you had asked in the query and a unit price was offered, the unit price (excl VAT) multiplied by the estimated quantity will be the cost of the successful tender. In the column Additional information for tenderer, you can indicate the information you wish to be communicated to this tenderer in the notification letter of the decision. If the awarded value of the successful tender differs from the value indicated by the tenderer itself as the total value of the tender, please inform the tenderer in the field Additional information for tenderer. You can also specify the time, place or contact details of the delivery etc.
  • If the tender is not successful, in the column Is it a successful tender - >"No" will remain and in the column In what amount is successful? (excl VAT) will remain 0,00. In the field Additional information for tenderer, you can enter the information you wish to be communicated to this tenderer in the notification letter of the decision.
  • In the field Cost of the successful tender, the system will sum up the cost of the selected successful tenders. This field cannot be changed.

3) Explain the decision in the field Explanation of the decision - note that the explanation entered will be communicated to all the tenderers who have submitted a tender in the automatic notification letter. Some of the more typical explanations for "Yes" and "No" decisions are also given as examples on the decision screen, where you can copy the appropriate explanation into the box if necessary, but you are also free to formulate your own explanation. You can also communicate to all the tenderers the name of the successful tenderer and the total value of the successful tender, this information is not automatically communicated to all the successful tenderers:

Image Added

  • In the field Additional information accompanying the decision, you can add additional information to the decision, if necessary. The information entered in this field will not be communicated to the tenderers. It will remain with the decision in document system.
  • If necessary, you can also attach files to the decision in the field Additional documents. The files attached to the decision will remain with the decision in system and will not be sent to the tenderers.
  • Press the button Save. A notification of the decision will be sent to all the tenderers who submitted a tender. 
  • After the decision has been saved, a block Image Addedwill be filled with the decision data on the query view page. 

Image Added

Once the decision has been taken, further communication with the tenderer will be by e-mail (or telephone or other means).

You can find the contact details of the tenderer in the tender.  To do this, open the block  Image Added and click to open the successful tender.

Image Added

If the field Contact person (red underline) has an e-mail address, please use this address for further communication. If no new e-mail address has been added to this field, use the e-mail address that was used to send notifications about the  (blue underline). 

Linking the query to an invoice

Open the invoice document. Check that you are in the viewing (and not edit) screen of the invoice document:

Image Added

At the top right is a grey box Table of contents. Find a Simple query in the list and click on the Add relations icon (if you don't see the full list, click on Tabel of contents in the dark grey menu bar Image Added to expand it):

Image Added

A list of queries opens. Use the search to find the right query by clicking on the magnifying glass icon:

Image Added

Search the query by number or by the name of the contractor or other and click Search:

Image Added

Put a tick in front of the correct query and click Image Added . The query is linked to the invoice document. 


Pakkumuste läbivaatamine

Pakkumuse esitamise tähtaja möödudes saadab DHIS hankijale ja päringu meeskonna liikmetele teavituse tähtaja möödumise kohta. Teavituses on link päringule.

Pakkumuste vastavuse kontroll ja hindamine

Kontrolli, kas päringule on esitatud pakkumusi. Selleks keri päringu andmete lehel allapoole kuni plokini Image RemovedPakkumus(..). 
  • Kui ploki nimetuse taga sulgudes on 0, pole järelikult ühtegi pakkumust esitatud. Liigu edasi päringu kohta otsust tegema.
  • Kui ploki nimetuse taga on sulud ja neis 0-st suurem number, klõpsa plokk lahti:

Image Removed

Kõik pakkumused, mis on staatuses Esitatud ning millel on täidetud väli Summa (kasvõi 0,00 eurot), on hankemenetluses osalevad pakkumused ja tuleb avada!

Tagasi võetud pakkumus on pakkuja varem esitatud, kuid pakkumuse esitamise tähtajaks tagasi võetud pakkumus. Tagasi võetud pakkumuse summat ei kuvata ja selle sisu pole hankijale nähtav.

Kontrolli pakkumuse vastavust päringu lähteandmetes seatud nõuetele ning vali hindamiskriteeriumi järgi välja edukas pakkumus.

1) Selleks ava esitatud pakkumus. Avaneb pakkumuse kuva (pilt kõrval).

2) Tutvu pakkumuse väljal Sisu kirjeldatud pakkumusega ja kui pakkumusega esitati ka faile, siis nendega (väli Sisu (lisad)). 

3) Kontrolli, kas esitatud pakkumus vastab päringu lähteandmetes esitatud tingimustele. Päringu lähteandmed on:

  • pakkumiskutses esitatud päringu andmed ja tingimused,
  • päringu kohta enne pakkumuste esitamise tähtaega saadetud teated ning
  • päringu kohta enne pakkumuste esitamise tähtaega esitatud küsimustele saadetud vastused.

Kui tingimus oli päringu lähteandmetes seatud, siis pakkumus peab sellele ka vastama. Kui pakkumus ei vasta, siis see pakkumus tuleb tagasi lükata ning see pakkumus ei osale hindamisel.

4) Alusta pakkumuste hindamist. Pakkumusi tuleb alati sisuliselt hinnata, st lahtrisse Summa (km-ta) sisestatud number ei saa olla aluseks. Kontrolli alati üle pakkumuses sisalduvad arvutused. Hankija peab enne otsuse tegemist veenduma, et pakkumus, selles tehtud arvutused ja maksumus on õiged ja üheselt arusaadavad.

Kui pakkumuses on ebaselgusi, või lahtrisse Summa (km-ta) kirjutatud maksumus erineb pakkumuses märgitud maksumusest ja selle erinemise põhjus on ebaselge, või arvutused pole õiged, tuleb pakkujalt selgitust küsida (vt Pakkumuse kohta kirja saatmine). Pakkumusi muuta ei tohi, seetõttu võib pakkuja pakkumuse kohta anda vaid selgitusi, täpsustusi, kinnitusi vms.

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Kui esitatud tingimustele vastavate pakkumuste seas on mitu võrdse madalaima maksumusega, või kui pakkumuste hindamise aluseks oli kehtestatud lisaks maksumusele täiendavaid hindamiskriteeriume, siis võrdsete kõrgemate hindamispunktidega pakkumust, tuleb nende pakkumuste vahel liisku heita.

Anna pakkujatele teada liisuheitmise aeg, koht ja kord, saates pakkumuse kohta kiri (vt juhendis järgmine punkt). Anna pakkujatele teada, et kui nad soovivad liisuheitmisest osa võtta, võivad nad seda teha äriregistri järgi ametliku esindaja või volitatud esindaja läbi. Viimasel juhul tuleb pakkujal esitada volikiri volitatud esindaja kohta enne liisuheitmist. Lisa teavitusele enda meiliaadress juhuks, kui pakkuja soovib saata esindaja volikirja (läbi pakkuja keskkonna ta faili vastuskirjale lisada ei saa).

Näide liisuheitmise korra kohta: Liisuheitmiseks kasutatakse sedeleid, millele on kantud pakkujate nimed. Sedelid murtakse kokku või asetatakse igaüks eraldi ümbrikusse selliselt, et neid ei ole võimalik väliselt eristada. Enne liisuheitmist sedelid segatakse. Liisutõmbaja, kelleks on pakkuja esindaja või hankija esindaja, tõmbab sedeli ja sellel sedelil märgitud pakkuja pakkumus on edukas.

Liisuheitmise läbiviimise käik ja tulemus tuleb protokollida. Protokoll tuleb lisada päringu kohta tehtava otsuse juurde. Sellekohane märge tuleb teha ka otsust koostades väljale Otsuse põhjendus. Näiteks: "Tingimustele vastavate pakkumuste seas oli madalaima maksumusega pakkumused võrdse maksumusega. Edukas pakkumus selgitati välja liisuheitmise teel. Edukaks osutus …."

AnchorkiripakkujalekiripakkujalePakkumuse kohta kirja saatmine

Pärast pakkumuse esitamise tähtaega ei tohi pakkumuses esitatud andmeid täiendada ega muuta. Lubatud on vaid pakkumusega esitatud andmete selgitamine ja täpsustamine.

Kirja saatmiseks vajuta pakkumuse vaates nupule Esita küsimus. Avaneb küsimuse saatmise aken (pilt kõrval).

Sisesta küsimus (või teade liisuheitmise aja, koha ja korra kohta) väljale Küsimus ning vajuta nuppu Saada.

DHIS teavitab hankijat ja päringu meeskonna liikmeid esitatud küsimusele laekunud vastusest e-kirja teel. Kirjas on link DHISi päringu lehele.

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Kõiki päringuga seotud - nii päringu kui ka pakkumuse kohta esitatud küsimused ja vastused on plokis Image RemovedKüsimus/vastus:

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Otsuse tegemine

Enne otsuse koostamist veendu, et oled tutvunud päringu kohta toimunud teabevahetusega (plokid Image Removed ja Image Removed). 

Otsuse koostamiseks vajuta nuppu Koosta otsus.

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Kui nupu Koosta otsus vajutamisel ei avane otsuse lisamise vaade, kontrolli kas nupu Muuda kõrval on nupp Detailne vaade.

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Kui on, siis klõpsa sellel ja saad otsuse koostamisega uuesti alustada (vajuta uuesti Koosta otsus).

Avaneb otsuse lisamise kuva (pilt paremal):

1) Vali ripp-menüüst Kas valiti edukas pakkumus? :

  • Jah - valitakse edukas(d) pakkumus(ed);
  • Ei - edukat pakkumust ei valita.

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2) Kui "Jah", st. päringul on edukas(d) pakkumus(ed), siis avaneb tabel kõigi päringule esitatud pakkumustega:

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  • Vali tabelis edukaks tunnistatava(te) pakkumus(t)e järel veerus Kas valiti edukas pakkumus -> "Jah" ning märgi seejärel veerus Mis summas on edukas (km-ta) see summa, mis osas kavatsed selle pakkumuse edukaks tunnistada. Kui olid päringus küsinud ja pakuti ühikuhinda, siis on eduka pakkumuse maksumuseks käibemaksuta ühikuhind korrutatuna arvestusliku kogusega. Veergu Lisainfo pakkujale saad märkida teabe, mida soovid sellele pakkujale edastada teavituskirjas otsusest. Kui edukaks tunnistatava pakkumuse maksumus erineb maksumusest, mille pakkuja ise pakkumuse kogumaksumuseks märkis, anna sellest pakkujale teada väljal Lisainfo pakkujale. Samuti võid seal täpsustada tarne aega, kohta või kontaktandmeid.
  • Kui pakkumus ei ole edukas, siis jääb veergu Kas on edukas pakkumus  - >"Ei" ja veergu Mis summas on edukas (km-ta) jääb 0,00. Väljale Lisainfo pakkujale saad märkida teabe, mida soovid sellele pakkujale edastada teavituskirjas otsusest.
  • Väljale Eduka(te) pakkumus(te) maksumus (km-ta) summeerib süsteem ise edukaks valitud pakkumuste maksumuse kokku. Seda välja muuta ei saa.
  • Põhjenda otsust väljal Otsuse põhjendus - arvesta, et sisestatud põhjendus edastatakse kõikidele pakkumuse teinud ettevõtjatele automaatselt edastatavas teavituskirjas. Mõned tüüpilisemad põhjendused "Jah" ja "Ei" otsustele on näitena ka otsuse tegemise kuval kirjas, vajadusel saad sealt sobiva põhjenduse lahtrisse kopeerida kuid võid ka põhjenduse ise vabalt sõnastada. Võid ka kõigile pakkumuse teinud pakkujatele teada anda eduka pakkumuse teinud pakkuja nime ja selle pakkumuse kogumaksumuse, automaatselt seda teavet kõigile pakkumuse teinud pakkujatele ei edastata:

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  • Väljale Lisainfo otsuse juurde saad vajadusel lisada täiendavat infot otsuse juurde. Pakkujatele sellele väljale sisestatud infot ei edastata. See jääb otsuse juurde DHISi.
  • Vajadusel saad lisada otsuse juurde ka faile väljal Lisadokumendid (ei saadeta pakkujale). Otsusele lisatud failid jäävad otsuse juurde DHISi, pakkujatele neid ei edastata.
  • vajuta nuppu "Salvesta". Otsuse kohta saadetakse teavituskiri kõigile pakkumuse esitanud pakkujatele. Näited teavituskirjadest edukale ja edutule pakkujale:

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  • Pärast otsuse salvestamist täitub otsuse andmetega päringu vaatamise lehel plokk Image Removed Otsus:

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Pärast otsuse tegemist toimub edaspidine suhtus pakkujaga e-posti (või telefoni vm) teel. 

Pakkuja kontaktandmed leiad pakkumusest.  Selleks ava plokk Image Removed ja klõpsa lahti eduka pakkuja pakkumus. 

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Kui pakkuja on väljale Kontaktisik (punane alakriipsutus) märkinud e-posti aadressi, siis kasuta edasiseks suhtluseks seda aadressi. Kui sellele väljale pole uut e-posti aadressi lisatud, kasuta seda e-posti aadressi, mida kasutati päringu kohta teavituste saatmisel (sinine alakriipsutus). Võid ka kindluse mõttes tellimuskirja saata mõlemale e-posti aadressile.

Päringu sidumine ostudokumendiga

Ava ostudokument. Kontrolli, kas oled ostudokumendi vaatamise (ja mitte muutmise) vaates:

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Paremal ülaservas on hall kast Lisa seoseid. Leia loetelust Lihtpäring ning klõpsa Lisa seoseid ikoonil (kui sul ei avane täit loetelu, siis klõpsa see lahti vajutades Lisa seoseid tumehallil menüüribal Image Removed):

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Avaneb päringute loetelu. Kasuta otsingut õige päringu leidmiseks vajutades luubi ikoonile:

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Otsi päringut numbri või hankija nime vm järgi:

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Märgi linnuke õige päringu ette ja klõpsa Image Removed. Päring on ostudokumendiga seotud.