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Vastavalt õppekorralduseeskirjale registreeruvad esimese semestri üliõpilased sügissemestri ainetele kahe nädala jooksul semestri alguses.

Esimese semestri üliõpilaseks loeme õppijad, kes:

Ka kohe õpingute alguses akadeemilisele puhkusele siirdunud isik on akadeemilise puhkuse lõppedes esimese semestri üliõpilane.

According to Study Regulations, first semester students register for the courses of the autumn semester within two weeks from the beginning of the semester.

First semester students are learners who:

have been matriculated later than on 15 August of the current year

Students who take academic leave immediately at the beginning of studies are also first semester students when the academic leave ends.