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IT info of the University of Tartu

Requests portal

Here you can contact the UT helpdesk (IT helpdesk, DHIS, e-learning, SIS, external web


Here you can check the information about the status of the university's IT services and planned outages.


Here you can find information on a range of computer-related topics.



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    January is Digital Cleanup Month From 6 to 31 January, the University of Tartu will have its first Digital Cleanup Month. The university invites everyone to dedicate at least 30 minutes every week to get rid of digital waste and tidy up their personal or their unit’s digital space.
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    Change in Owncloud login — From 5 December, the Microsoft single sign-on (SSO) will be introduced, changing the way how you access the Owncloud environment. The Owncloud login update aims to ensure two-factor authentication, which increases security and protects user accounts. While previously it was possible to log in with a username and password, now it takes place via the Microsoft account. The change will not affect any other features of Owncloud. 
    More information is available in the guide for activating two-factor authentication
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    Mailing list senders to start receiving alerts To avoid situations where an email message sent mistakenly appears in a mailing list, the university’s IT Office has created an additional function to draw the sender’s attention to the recipient’s email address. If the sender enters an email address ending with, they will see an alert “NB! This letter will be sent to the list”. The alert will be displayed from 22 November onwards in all emails with as part of the recipient’s email address. This will help the sender to notice that the email is not actually sent to one person but to a whole mailing list, and to change the email address, if necessary.

    University email can be read in Outlook, on the website and in all the most common email applications on Windows, Apple and Linux computers, as well as on smart devices with Apple and Android software. However, if an email is not sent from the website or from a Windows program, the sender of the email may still not receive the notification.