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In this guide, you will find instructions about mailing list settings and management.


In order to manage the lists, you must first log in to the SYMPA web environment.

The most important settings to pay attention to are the following:

  • List subject: there should be an overview of brief information about who and what this list is intended for.

  • List visibility for users: if you want people not involved in the matter to not be able to see this list in the SYMPA web interface, select for example "visible only to members of the list".

  • Who can join the list: it would be reasonable to use the "owner's permission required" option there. In this case, the subscriber can complete his application and the owner of the list will receive it to his e-mail address along with action instructions.

  • Who can add members to the list: a sensible option is that only the owner can add members to the list.

  • Who can send e-mails to the list:

    • Allowed for list readers - list members can write to the list (does not require moderator approval).

    • Moderated - the e-mails sent by members to the list are moderated - the letters of the list members/owners go to moderation (need approval), the moderator can directly write to the list, non-members cannot write to the list.

    • Moderated - the e-mails sent by list members/owners/non-members are moderated, the moderator can write directly to the list.
    • Private - moderated for non-members - list members can freely write to the list, non-members' letters are moderated.

    • Newsletter, allowed only for moderators - the moderator can directly write to the list, the owner/member/non-member cannot send letters.
    • Anyone can send - everyone can send letters to the list.

  • Moderator: the person who is the moderator of the given list (allows e-mails to the list or rejects them). A moderator only needs to be set if the previous point is set so that it requires a moderator.

  • Owner: The person who owns the mailing list. He is described by email address, name and profile (privileged or normal owner).

  • Method of reception: you can describe whether and how someone wants to receive list letters:

    • Normal (immediate reception of letters) - the list letter is sent to the email address.

    • No mail - list mails are not sent.

    • type of summary - a summary is obtained from the letters in the list.

  • Reply-to address: determines to whom the reply is sent when replying to a letter. By default, the answer is sent to the list, it is possible to change it so that the answer goes to the author of the letter or to some other specific email address.

  • Subject line tagging: an acronym by another name. It is used to mark the Subject line of the letter with an abbreviation related to the list, so that it is easier for the reader to distinguish or filter the letters in the list from other letters. The acronym is automatically added to the beginning of the Subject line of every letter sent to the list.

  • Who can view the members of the list: it is highly recommended to use the option "permitted list readers" - only the members themselves can see the list of members. With the "anyone can do it" option, it's easy to sniff out subscribers' email addresses to spam them.

Managing mailing list members

  1. Under Manage members, a list of members opens and cells to add members and search the list.
  2. By clicking on the email address in the list of members, you can change the person's name, email address and the method of receiving mail. A person can also be removed from the list, the additional option "quietly" means that the person will not be notified about the removal, otherwise he will receive a message about it.
  3. Under Error management, a list of email addresses that have received error messages for all sorts of reasons will open. They can then be read and errors can either simply be reset or, if necessary, the email address can be removed from the list.
  4. Under Moderation, a list of letters (if your mailing list is set to be moderated) that are waiting to be sent or rejected will open. You can also confirm or reject requests to join or leave the list under this option.

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