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University of Tartu IT wiki

In this guide, you will find instructions on how to digitally clean in Panopto.

In order to perform a digital cleaning of Panopto, we recommend deleting the following videos from Panopto:

  • test videos made for testing
  • obsolete (unnecessary) videos
  • technically failed videos
  • students have been asked to store in connection with homework or examination performance monitoring (unless it has been agreed that they will be kept for a long time)
  1. To delete a video, log in to Panopto (NB! Choose the same authentication method that you used when saving - either through Moodle or through
  2. To delete a video, click the Delete button:

NB! The contents of the Assignments folder can be deleted at the same time as the corresponding Assignments folder is deleted.

NB! It is also possible to delete several videos at once by using the check box in front of the video.

Deleted videos move to the trash bin, where they are permanently deleted after three months. If necessary, deleted videos can be recovered from the trash bin within three months.

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