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University of Tartu IT wiki

In this guide, you will find instructions about deleting old LimeSurvey surveys and data.

During LimeSurvey ( digital cleaning it's necessary to:

  1. Make old active surveys inactive to delete the answers collected by the survey.
  2. Delete old unnecessary surveys.

1. In LimeSurvey, survey administrators can stop and deactivate surveys themselves.

a) Log in to LimeSurvey with UT account.

b) Open an active survey that has received responses.

c) Click Stop this survey.

d) Click Deactivate survey.

2. In LimeSurvey, survey administrators can delete old unnecessary surveys themselves.

a) Log in to LimeSurvey with UT account.

b) Mark the survey that needs to be deleted with a check mark, open the Edit selected surveys menu and click on the Delete command.

The survey can also be deleted within the survey by clicking on the Delete survey command that opens from the three-dot menu in the Tools menu.

NB! For active syrveys, make sure that no responses have been received in the survey before deleting. If there are responses, they must be deleted in advance or made survey inactive by stopping the survey so that the responses are deleted.

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