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University of Tartu IT wiki

In this guide you will find instructions on how to connect to eduroam using a Mac device.

This guide is based on MacBook Pro 2017, macOS Ventura 13.6.6.

Connecting to eduroam (Mac)

  1. Open Wi-Fi settings from the upper right part of the screen and turn on Wi-Fi by pressing the switch .
  2. After turning on Wi-Fi, press Wi-Fi Settings.
  3. In the Wi-Fi window that opens, find the eduroam connection and press Connect.
  4. In the window that opens, fill the cells as follows:
    1. Identity - select the identity you want to use when connecting to the eduroam network.
    2. Account Name - enter your UT username.
    3. Password - enter your UT password.
    4. Remember this information - press the icon to save the information you are entering ()
    5. Click OK.
  5. In the window that opens, click Continue to verify the certificate.
  6. Eduroam connection is successfully established. You will know, that you have successfully connected, when your computer has an IP address, that starts with 172.x.x.x. In the future, your computer will be able to connect to eduroam automatically.

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