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Info koondatud oktoober 2021.a. seisuga, loetelu pole ammendav ja täiendav info teretulnud.

Kontakt ja ettepanekud: Kristel Lään-Saarik, TÜ nõustamiskeskuse juhataja,

Information compiled october 2021. As of this date, the list is not exhaustive and further information is welcome.

Contact and suggestions:  Kristel Lään-Saarik, Head of Counselling Centre,

Kesksed tegevused



  • Tuutorite tugi esmakursuslastele I semestril
  • Orientatsioonipäevad välistudengitele
  • Õppimist ja enesearengut toetavad seminarid ülikooli nõustamiskeskuse poolt
  • Vaimse tervise hoidmist toetavad tugigrupid nõustamiskeskuse poolt
  • Õpioskuste kursuse materjalid „Õppimine ülikoolis“ kättesaadav Moodle'is kõigile õppejõududele 
  • Esmakursuslaste kohanemise ja õpioskuste toetamiseks loodud lauamäng „Edukalt ülikoolis“
  • TÜÜE toetavad tegevused




  • Õppekorraldusnõustamine
  • Akadeemiline nõustamine programmijuhtide ja õppejõudude poolt
  • Programmijuhi vestlus üliõpilasega, kes soovib katkestada õpinguid.
  • Mentorlus tudengite eriala seltside poolt: MITS, FÜS, BÜS.


  • Õpingutesse/erialasse sissejuhatavad õppeained I kursusel
  • Õpioskusi arendavad kursused 
  • Esmakursuslaste koolituspäev õpingutesse sisse elamiseks HV ja LT valdkonnas
  • Lõputöö koostamise seminarid 
  • Õpiabi rühmad LT valdkonnas
  • Programmijuhi/õppejõu vestlusringid oma eriala üliõpilastega
  • Kursuse juhendaja psühholoogia magistriõppes
  • Instituutide poolt korraldatud (traditsioonilised) õpinguid toetavad üritused
  • Valdkondlikud ja instituudi põhised karjääripäevad

Centrally coordinated activities


  • Study organization, career and psychological counseling in UT Counselling Center
  • Advising students with special needs and supporting adjustments in teaching
  • From 2019/2020. academic year it is possible to participate in studies during the academic leave (the student has the opportunity to reduce the missing study volume during the academic leave, the obligation to pay tuition fees was one of the reasons why ex-matriculation was taken at ones own request.
  • Smart information button for fast finding of study-related topics in SIS from 2020/2021.academic year
  • General study information and other information related to studying at the university via a weekly newsletter to students' e-mails (incl. reminders regarding deadlines)
  • Study grants and stipends
  • Possibility to waive tuition fees
  • Possibility to extend the study time
  • Giving feedback

For the group

  • Supporting first-year tutors in the first semester
  • Seminars supporting learning and self-development organized by the
  • Counseling Center Orientation days for international students
  • Study skills course materials “Studying at the University” in Moodle available to all lecturers (3 ECTS)
  • Board game "Successfully at university" designed to support the adaptation and learning skills of first-year students
  • Inspiration Day

For entrants

In faculties/institutes


  • Counseling in organizing studies 
  • Academic advice by programme directors and academic staff mebers
  • From 2018/2019. academic year the programme director is involved in the process of ex-matriculation at the student's request and the application must be approved by the programme director. This will allow the programme director to investigate the reason for the interruption and, if necessary, provide counseling prior to ex-matriculation.
  • Mentoring at the Institute of Computer Science, Institute of Physics and Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
  • Study support groups for physics students

For the group

  • Course Introduction to studies in the first year
  • Courses that develop learning skills
  • First-year training day (for adaptation to studies) in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and in the Faculty of Science and Technology
  • Thesis seminars
  • Development seminar for master's thesis compilers at the Johan Skytte Institute of Policy Studies
  • Faculty career days
  • From 2020/2021. academic year supervisor in a master's degree in psychology 

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