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University of Tartu IT wiki

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On this page you will find useful websites for new employee. If you feel that you did not find the right course, you can make a ticket to ask for help on the Tartu University appeals requests portal.

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titleCheck your information security knowledge

We invite all employees of the University of Tartu to check their information security knowledge in the cyber hygiene tests online environment.

You can find detailed instructions in the guide Check your information security knowledge.

titleUser account

To find an overview of user account related information of the University of Tartu, check the User account guide:

titleChoosing the right equipment

When doing work, it is important to choose suitable work tools that help to do the work efficiently and with high quality. For more information, check Choosing the right equipment.

titleProblems logging into the computer

The most common reasons why you may have problems logging into your computer are explained in the guide Problems logging into the computer.

titleInternet connection

Internet connection in the University of Tartu:

  • Eduroam is the wireless internet service of the University of Tartu, which is available in many university buildings
  • Ut-public and Campuswifi are public internet networks available in the buildings of the University of Tartu and the Tartu Student Village, to connect you must use the network called ut-public and/or Campuswifi
  • VPN is a virtual private network tunnel for secure communication within the University of Tartu network.

titleYour UT mailbox

The Microsoft Outlook online version is accessible via and

titleUT information system applications

To find an overview of Tartu University's information system applications and their use, check the guide UT information system applications.

titleFree Microsoft Office 365

The University of Tartu has signed an agreement with Microsoft, which allows employees to install Microsoft Office applications for free on up to five desktop computers or Mac computers, and Office applications are also available on mobile devices (including Android, iPad and Windows tablets).

You can find detailed instructions in the Installing Microsoft Office 365 guide.

Office software applications: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, Teams, Onedrive, Planner, etc.

titleMicrosoft Teams

The University of Tartu uses the teamwork application Microsoft Teams, which allows you to hold online discussions, share files or edit them together, and hold written conversations.


The University of Tartu also uses the Zoom teamwork application, which allows you to hold online discussions, share files or edit them jointly, and hold written conversations.


To find information about the use of the University of Tartu's printers, check the guide Printing.

titleBlended and online learning possibilities

To find an overview of e-learning opportunities at the University of Tartu, check the guide E-learning opportunities.


To find an overview of the cyber security guidelines of the University of Tartu, check the guide Cybersecurity.