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titleIngliskeelne kinnitamise tekst

Dear student,


We are sincerely happy that you have chosen the University of Tartu for your degree studies.  Studentship brings along both rights and obligations, which are described in various regulations and are established by the university Council, Senate and the Rector (such as Study Regulations and Conditions of Compensation of Study Expenses in Formal Education). The students of the University of Tartu are required to examine the mentioned regulations carefully and are obliged to comply with the university’s legislation.


  1. Study Regulations set out the basic rules that govern the organisation of teaching and learning in the University of Tartu degree studies.
    Study Regulations 

    The summary of the rules governing teaching and learning:

  2. Students pay for their studies in accordance with the procedure regulated in the document titled as Conditions of Compensation of Study Expenses in Formal Education 

    The summary of the rules governing compensation of study expenses:


Apart from the regulations and summaries listed, we advise that our students also study other relevant regulations, such as Procedure for Publication of Graduation Theses and Dissertations, Terms and Procedure for the Recognition of Prior Learning and Professional Experience, Procedure for Asking and Taking into Account Feedback in Formal Education and etc.

The relevant regulations are available at


I hereby confirm that I am familiar with Study Regulations and Conditions of Compensation of Study Expenses in Formal Education, and I  am aware of the other regulations governing the organisation of teaching and learning at the University of Tartu*


*The University of Tartu has the right to change its study regulations.  We recommend that students would reread the relevant regulations at the beginning of each academic year.


titleEestikeelne teavitus üliõpilasele

Kirja saatja:

Kirja pealkiri: Tartu Ülikoolis õppimist puudutavad eeskirjad


Hea üliõpilane

Kinnitasite Tartu Ülikooli õppeinfosüsteemis, et olete tutvunud õppekorralduseeskirja ja õppekulude hüvitamise tingimuste ja korraga ning olete teadlik teistest Tartu Ülikooli õppekorralduslikest regulatsioonidest. Tartu Ülikoolil on õigus õppekorralduslikke regulatsioone muuta. Soovitame iga õppeaasta alguses regulatsioonidega uuesti tutvuda.

20152016/20162017. õppeaastal on õppekorralduslikud õigusaktid ning nende lühikokkuvõtted kättesaadavad alljärgnevatel linkidel.

  • Õppekorralduseeskiri on Tartu Ülikoolis tasemeõppe õppetööd reguleeriv põhidokument, mis reguleerib ülikooli õppetöö korraldamisega seotud tegevust.


Õppekorralduseeskirja kokkuvõte:

  • Õppekulud hüvitatakse vastavalt Tartu Ülikooli nõukogu kehtestatud õppekulude hüvitamise tingimustele ja korrale.

Õppekulude hüvitamise tingimused ja kord tasemeõppes:

Õppekulude hüvitamise tingimuste ja korra kokkuvõte:

  • Lisaks soovitame tutvuda muude Tartu Ülikooli õppekorralduslike eeskirjadega, nt lõputööde ja doktoriväitekirjade avaldamise korraga, varasemate õpingute ja töökogemuse arvestamise tingimuste ja korraga, tasemeõppes tagasiside küsimise ja arvestamise korraga jne.

Õppekorralduslikud õigusaktid:


TÜ Õppeosakond

titleIngliskeelne teavitus välisüliõpilasele

Kirja saatja:

Kirja pealkiri: Rules regulating academic matters at the University of Tartu


Dear student,


In the Study Information System you just confirmed that you have examined UT’s most relevant regulations on academic matters, such as Study Regulations and Conditions of Compensation of Study Expenses in Formal Education and are aware of some other regulations governing the organisation of teaching and learning at UT. UT has the right to change its regulations, so we recommend that all students would reread the relevant documents at the beginning of each academic year. For the current academic year, 20152016/20162017, the relevant regulations and their summaries can be found as follows:

1.Study Regulations set out the basic rules that govern the organisation of teaching and learning in the University of Tartu degree studies.

Study Regulations

The summary of the rules governing teaching and learning:


2. Students pay for their studies in accordance with the procedure regulated in the document titled as Conditions of Compensation of Study Expenses in Formal Education

The summary of the rules governing compensation of study expenses:


Apart from the regulations and summaries listed, we advise that our students also study other relevant regulations, such as Procedure for Publication of Graduation Theses and Dissertations, Terms and Procedure for the Recognition of Prior Learning and Professional Experience, Procedure for Asking and Taking into Account Feedback in Formal Education and etc.

The relevant regulations are available at


Have a successful academic year!


Yours sincerely

Office of Academic Affairs