Õppekorralduse sõnaraamat
Õppekorralduslik info siseveebis
Kui juhenditest abi ei saanud, siis võta ühendust ÕISi toega kasutades portaali või kirjutades aadressil ois.tugi@ut.ee.
If the guides did not help you, contact SIS support using the portal or by writing to ois.tugi@ut.ee.
TEEK on õpiteekonna rakendus, milles doktorant koostab ja esitab atesteerimisdokumente ning jagab neid juhendajaga. Juhendaja annab dokumentidele tagasisidet ja kinnitab need. Atesteerimiskomisjon tutvub atesteerimisdokumentidega ning atesteerimisotsuse lisab süsteemi atesteerimise korraldaja (atesteerimiskomisjoni esimees ja/või sekretär).
Kõikidel alates 2022/2023. õppeaastast immatrikuleeritud doktorantidel on kohustus koostada ja esitada atesteerimisdokumente edaspidi TEEK-is.
Enne 2022/2023. õppeaastat immatrikuleeritud doktorandid õppekava erisuste tõttu TEEK-i kasutada ei saa ja neil tuleb ka edaspidi kasutada Wordi-faile ning oma plaanid ja aruanded ÕIS-i üles laadida.
TEEK is an application of a learning journey in which the doctoral student prepares and submits attestation documents and shares them with the supervisor. Supervisor can give feedback on the documents and can accept them. The attestation committee can examine the attestation documents and progress review decision is entered into the system by progress review administrator (the chair and/or the secretary of the progress review committee).
All doctoral students matriculated from the academic year 2024/2025 are obliged to prepare and submit their progress review documents in TEEK.
Doctoral students matriculated from the 2024/2025 academic year can compile a report on completing their first semester period plan for the first year after the head of the specialisation has approved the plan. They can also prepare their individual plans and the period plans for the next semester in TEEK.
For doctoral students matriculated before the 2024/2025 academic year whose progress review will take place in the winter of 2025, an accepted (empty) period plan has been created in TEEK. This enables them to fill in their progress review report in the application. Doctoral students to be reviewed in the spring or summer of 2025 will be provided this opportunity in the first half of 2025. The current period plan can be added to the progress review report in an attachment.
Doctoral students matriculated before the 2024/2025 academic year are encouraged to enter their individual plans in the TEEK form already now. By doing so, they formally initiate the amendment of the individual plan. The plan must be sent via the TEEK application to the supervisor(s) for acceptance and then to the progress review committee for approval.
General notifications concerning the TEEK are communicated to doctoral students via the mailing list of the faculty’s doctoral students. In addition, all the parties concerned get automatic notifications related to a plan or report.
Doctoral students matriculated before the 2022/2023 academic year cannot use TEEK due to the specifics of the curriculum and will continue to have to use Word files and upload their plans and reports to SIS.
Logi sisse ÕIS2-te ning vasakul menüüs vajuta TEEK nupule (joonisel).
Kui sul on vaid üks TEEKi roll, siis avaneb sulle koheselt komisjoni liikme vaade. Kui sul on aga TEEKis mitu rolli, siis pead TEEK rolli rippmenüüst (joonisel p 1) valima komisjoni liikme rolli (joonisel p 2).
Komisjoni liikme vaade (joonisel).
Atesteerimise korraldajad (atesteerimiskomisjoni esimees ja sekretär) saavad jagada dokumentide nägemise õigusi atesteerimiskomisjoni liikmetele, kes on teadusprodekaani korraldusega komisjoni määratud.
Komisjoni liige näeb atesteeritavate doktorantide nimekirja alfabeetilises järjekorras, nende plaane ja aruandeid ning alla laadida plaanidele lisatud manuseid.
Kui oled samal perioodil mitme atesteerimiskomisjoni liige, siis hetkel näed oma töölaual kõikide atesteeritavate doktorantide koondnimekirja.
Log into SIS2 and click on TEEK (see figure).
If you only have one TEEK role, you will immediately be taken to the committee member's view. However, if you have multiple roles in TEEK, you will need to click on the role drop-down menu (figure p 1) and select the role of the committee member (figure p 2).
Committee member's view (see figure).
The progress review administrator (the chair and the secretary of the progress review committee) can give the rights to view documents with the members of the progress review committee who have been assigned to the committee by order of the vice dean for research.
A committee member can see the list of doctoral students being assessed in alphabetical order, their plans and reports, and download attachments to the plans.
If you are a member of several progress review committees in the same period, you will currently see a consolidated list of all doctoral students being assessed on your desktop.
Atesteeritavate doktorantide nimekirja näed kohe esimeses vaates kui oled TEEKi sisenenud, või mitme rolli olemasolul õige rolli valinud.
You will see the list of doctoral students subject to progress review in the first view when you enter TEEK, or if you have multiple roles, after selecting the correct role.
Doktorandi plaanidel ja aruannetel on järgmised olekud:
Vajuta nimekirjas oleva doktorandi paremal pool olevale noolele (joonisel).
Plaani juures, mida soovid vaadata, vajuta nupule Vaata (joonisel).
Plaani või aruande vaates saad vaadata Teadus- arendus- ja loometegevuse ja Õppetegevuse (joonisel p 1) kõiki tegevusi. Kogu teksti lugemiseks vajuta nupul Loe rohkem (joonisel p 2).
Atesteerimisaruandes on lihtne võrrelda planeeritud ja lõpetatud tegevuse sisukirjeldust ja perioodi. Atesteerimisaruande sissekanded tunned ära sinise pealkirja järgi (joonisel p 1). Algsed perioodiplaani sisestatud tegevused on märgitud musta pealkirjaga (joonisel p 2).
Pärast perioodiplaani täitmist ja kooskõlastamist ei saa doktorant perioodiplaanis olevaid tegevusi muuta. Doktorant atesteerimisaruandes:
Uurimistöö kava ja teiste, plaanide tegevustele lisatud failide vaatamiseks vajuta faili lingil (joonisel), misjärel fail laetakse arvutisse ja seda saab arvutis avada.
Under each doctoral student's name, all of their valid plans and reports, which are in the following statuses, are shown to the members of the progress review committee:
Also the statuses that are not visible to the members of the progress review committee are:
Click on the arrow to the right of the doctoral student in the list (see figure).
Click on the View button (see figure) next to the plan or report you wish to view.
In the plan or report view, you can view all activities in Research, Development and Creative Activities and Educational Activities (figure p 1). To read the full text, click the Read more button (figure p 2).
The progress review report makes it easy to compare the content description and period of planned and completed activities. You can recognize the entries in the progress review report by the blue title (figure p 1). The original activities entered in the period plan are marked with a black title (figure p 2).
After completion and acceptance of the period plan, the doctoral student cannot change the activities in the period plan. In the progress review report, the doctoral student:
To download the research plan or other files attached to the activities in the plans or progress review report, click on the file (see figure) after which it will be downloaded to your computer and it can be opened in your computer.
Atesteerimiskomisjoni liige ei saa teha atesteerimisdokumendil muid tegevusi peale vaatamise.
A member of the progress review committee can only view thedocuments of the doctoral students subject to progress review.
Atesteerimiskomisjoni liige ei saa atesteeritava doktorandi plaanidele kommentaare lisada.
Teiste kasutajate poolt lisatud kommentaare atesteerimiskomisijoni liikmed ei näe.
Atesteerimisdokumendi detailvaate lehekülje lõpus näed atesteerimiskomisjoni liikmena nimeliselt, kas juhendajad on dokumendi kooskõlastanud, kooskõlastanud ja lisanud kaaskirja atesteerimiskomisjonile või saatnud doktorandile täiendamiseks tagasi (joonisel). Juhul kui üks või mitu juhendajat ei ole kooskõlastust andnud, on võimalik atesteerimiskoosolekul põhjuste kohta uurida.
A member of the progress review committee cannot add comments to the plans and reports of the doctoral student subject to progress review.
Comments added by other users will not be visible to members of the progress review committee.
At the end of the detailed view of the progress review document page, as a member of the progress review committee, you can see by name whether the supervisors have accepted the document, accepted it and included an accompanying note to the progress review committee, or returned to the doctoral student for revision (see figure). If one or more supervisors have not accepted it, it is possible to investigate the reasons at the progress review meeting.
Atesteerimiskomisjoni liige ei saa atesteerimisotsuseid süsteemi lisada. Atesteerimiskomisjoni otsuse sisestab atesteerimise korraldaja. Otsuse tegemisel tuleb lähtuda doktoriõppe eeskirjast ja atesteerimisotsuse vormist.
Atesteerimisotsused on:
A member of the progress review committee cannot add progress review decisions to the system. The progress review committee's decision is entered by the progress review administrator. The decision must be based on the doctoral study regulations and the assessment decision form.
Progress review decisions are: