In this guide, you will find instructions about the public internet networks Ut-public and Campuswifi.
You can use the Ut-public and Campuswifi network on the premises of University of Tartu and Tartu Student village.
Ut-public ja Campuswifi network is intended for those people, who do not own a Unviersity of Tartu user account.
People, who have an University of Tartu user account or an account from another institution that has joined the eduroam project, should use the eduroam network. This network is much more secure than the public network (authenticated users, encrypted traffic).
Eduroam will also connect you to the university’s computer network, which will allow you to use network printers and network drives.
Connecting to Ut-public and Campuswifi
- If you are in the range of Ut-public or Campuwifi network, the Wi-Fi network will automatically appear on the list of available Wi-Fi connections.
- Select the correct Wi-Fi network and connect.
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