In this guide, you will find instructions about communicating with the list server via e-mail.
SYMPA mailing list software enables mailing list management via email and web. The same operations can be performed via the web interface, but all this is visually easier and perhaps more understandable.
SYMPA commands are divided into two groups: commands for regular users and moderators/administrators.
NB! All commands must be sent to
SYMPA commands for regular users
Command | Description |
HELp | The same helper file. |
INFO <list> | Information about the list. |
LISts | List of mailing lists managed by this server. |
REView <list> | List <list> readers list. |
WHICH | Shows which lists you are a member of. |
SUBscribe <list> <name> | To join or confirm joining the list <list>. |
UNSubscribe <list> <EMAIL> | To leave list <list>. <EMAIL> is optional, it is used if the "From:" field is different from the registered address. |
UNSubscribe | Leave all lists. |
SET <list>|* NOMAIL | Temporarily stops receiving e-mails from the list <list>. |
SET <list>|* DIGEST | List e-mails are sent as summaries at the end of the day. |
SET <list|*> DIGESTPLAIN | E-mails are sent as text summaries. |
SET <list>|* SUMMARY | Only get index of e-mail. |
SET <list>|* NOTICE | Only get a subject line from each e-mail. |
SET <list>|* MAIL | Receive list <list> messages as usual |
SET <list>|* CONCEAL | You can hide your list membership status (hide your address). |
SET <list>|* NOCONCEAL | You can show your list membership status (show your address). |
INDex <list> | Listi <list> arhiivifailide nimekiri. Archive file list of list <list>. |
GET <list> <file> | To get <file> list from <list> archive. |
LAST <list> | Used to get the last e-mail from list <list>. |
INVITE <list> <email> | You are inviting <email> to join <list>. |
CONFIRM <key> | Confirmation key for sending the e-mail (depends on the list setting). |
QUIT | End of commands (to ignore e-mail signature). |
SYMPA commands for list managers
Command | Description |
ADD <list> username@host Fullname | Add a user as a member of the list. |
DEL <list> username@host | Remove a user as a member of the list. |
STATS <list> | Statistics of list <list>. |
REMIND <list> | Send a reminder e-mail to all members of the list (possibility to inform which address users have joined). |
DISTribute <list> <key> | Accept an e-mail. |
REJect <list> <key> | Moderation: reject an e-mail. |
MODINDEX <list> | Moderation: get a list of messages to be moderated. |
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