E-arve (XML-vormingus) on masinloetav arve, mis on koostatud ühtse standardi alusel ning mis liigub ühest tarkvarasüsteemist teise, et vältida andmete sisestamist teistkordselt. Alates 01.07.2019 on avaliku sektori asutustele kohustuslik väljastada ainult e-arveid. E-arve peab vastama e-arve juhendile või Euroopa standardile. Üleminek masinloetavatele e-arvetele on vajalik, et hoida kokku era- ja avaliku sektori kulusid, vähendada tehnilist tööd ja selleks kuluvat tööaega, tõsta andmete kvaliteeti ja ennetada vigade tekkimist.1
E-arved liiguvad e-arve operaatorite (nt Omniva, Fitek, Telema, Edisoft) vahendusel. Tartu ülikool võtab e-arveid vastu e-arveldaja vahendusel. Saabunud e-arve registreeritakse DHIS-i ostuarvena ja saadetakse seejärel arvele märgitud kontaktisikule, kes saab arve edasisse menetlusse saata.
Selleks, et e-arve jõuaks ülikooli sees kiiresti menetlusse, on oluline teavitada arve esitajaid, et nad märgiksid arvele kontaktisiku ees- ja perekonnanime ja/või e-posti aadressi.
1 https://www.rahandusministeerium.ee/et/riigihaldus/e-arved, 24.11.2017
E-invoice is a machine-readable invoice (in XML format), which is prepared according to a unified standard and can be transferred from one software system to another, eliminating the need to enter the data repeatedly. E-invoice must comply with the instructions or the European standard. Estonian enterprises have had the obilgation to send to public enterprises only machine-readable invoices since 1 July 2019. Transition to machine-readable e-invoices is necessary to save private and public sector costs, reduce the amount of technical work and working time spent on it, raise the quality of data and prevent errors.1
E-invoices are delivered through e-invoice operators (e.g. Omniva, Fitek, Telema, Edisoft). The University of Tartu accepts e-invoices by means of the e-Financials software. A received e-invoice is registered in the document management system as a purchase invoice and then sent to the contact person specified on the invoice. The contact person sends the invoice for further processing.
To ensure that e-invoices get processed quickly in the university it is important to ask senders of invoices to write the contact person’s name and surname and/or email address on the invoice.