Solutions to reducing space debris in space are being explored more and more, since there is a large amount of un-operational satellites still on orbit, and the only defense against collision based space debris is not to have any collision in space. Even small debris in 1-10cm in size can inflict big damage if colliding with anything, the ISS being especially threatened. Larger pieces of debris have many solution proposals, so this paper focuses on smaller debris 1-10cm in size.

The proposed solution is to capture small-intermediate debris by using an electromagnetic space broom. This broom could be attached to the ISS, or be used as a separate module, magnetically attracting and physically blocking any approaching debris.

This debris could then be disposed of, and most debris cleanup solution propose burnup, but there are still many useful materials contained inside the debris, namely aluminium. Considering that, the paper outlines a theoretical pipeline that supports the recycling of the sapce debris to separate different metals and powderize them for various uses on the ISS, like using aluminium for solid fuel.

Overall this solution could provide extra materials on the ISS, while reducing the amount of space debris and keeping the ISS more safe.



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