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Vajuta piltidel, et näha neid suuremalt.
Näited Google Nexus 4 (LG) ja Samsung Galaxy S III telefonidelt 


Connecting to eduroam (Android)


This page will explain, how to set up eduroam on your Android device.


1. Open the Settings menu on your device.


Click to see a bigger image.


2. From the Setting menu, find the entry called WiFi.


Click to see a bigger image.


3. From the list of available wireless networks, find eduroam and press on it to connect.


Click to see a bigger image.


4. When connecting, you will be prompted for additional settings. Use the following settings:


EAP method: PEAP
Phase-2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
CA cerificate: Unspecified (May be in brackets)


ParoolPasswod: Password associated with your University of Tartu user account.


Image Modified Image Modified

Click to see a bigger image.
Example images are from the Google Nexus 4 (LG) and Samsung Galaxy S III.
