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Grammarly kasutamise jaoks tuleb kõigepealt endale konto registreerida.  Konto registreerimine käib läbi Office365 keskkonna. Ehk siis selle jaoks, et registreerida endale Grammarly konto ja litsents, tuleb kõigepealt logida ülikooli kontoga sisse Office365-te ja seejärel valida rakenduste valikus Grammarly. Sellega ongi konto registreeritud ja edaspidi saab Grammarlysse logida otse saidilt.

Täpsemad juhised saadav allpool.

To use Grammarly, you must first register an account. Account registration is done through the Office365 environment. In other words, in order to register for a Grammarly account and license, you must first log in to Office365 with your university account and then select Grammarly in the selection of applications. With this, the account is registered and in the future you can log in to Grammarly directly from

Detailed instructions available below.

1. Logige oma ülikooli kontoga Office365-te aadressilt

2. Log into your Office365 account with your univeristy username and password. Address is

2. Valige alt vasakust nurgast "All Apps"

3. Click the download installer button for the current release. "All Apps" button in the lower left corner

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3. Avaneb valik kõigi Office365-es olevate rakendustega. Valige Grammarly

4. Choose a supported platform and download the installer.

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 A selection opens with all the applications in Office365. Select Grammarly

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4. Seejärel oletegi Grammarlysse sisse logitud ning Teile on automaatselt ülikooli Grammarly keskkonda registreeritud konto ja lisatud litsents.

Edaspidi võite logida otse aadressilt. Läbi Office365 logimine tuleb läbi teha ainult esimene kord konto registreerimise jaoks

Install and Activate

Run the installer.

4. You will then be logged in to Grammarly and will automatically have an account registered in the Grammarly University environment and a license added. In the future, you can log in directly from Logging in through Office365 only needs to be done for the first time to register an account

5. Edaspidi saate oma ülikooli kontoga loida Grammarlysse otse. Sisestades Grammarly veebilehel emaili aadresis lahtrisse oma ülikooli e-posti aadressi, suunatakse teid edasi logima ülikooli SSO logimisakansse.

5. From now on, you can log in directly from with your university account. By entering your university's email address in the email address box on the Grammarly website, you will be redirected to log in to the university's SSO login credentials.

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2. In the installer, select Log in with a MathWorks Account and follow the online instructions.

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