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Table of Contents

Ühendumine eduroam'i


1. Ava traadtia võrkude nimekiri vajtuades traadita ühenduse ikoonile (levitulbad), mis asuvad reeglina all paremas nurgas, kellaaja juures.

2. Leia avanenud traadita võrkude nimekirjast eduroam ja klõpsa sellel parema hiireklahviga. Märgi lahtrisse Connect automatically linnuke ja vajuta Connect.

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3. Avaneb aken, kus palutakse siestada kasutajtunnus ja parool. Sisesta oma kasutatunnus kujul ja parool vastavatesse lahtritesse ja vajuta OK.

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5. Arvuti peaks olema nüüd ühendatud eduroam võrguga.

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6. Juhul, kui võrguga ühendumine ebaõnnestub, järgi alternatiivse seadistuse juhendit.


Windows 10)

1. Ava Network and Sharing Center. Selleks tee kellaja juures oleval võrguühenduse ikoonil hiirega vasak klõps ja tee vastav valik.

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2. Avanenud aknas vajuta valikule Set up a new connection or network.

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3. Avanenud aknas vali loetelust Manually connect to a wireless network ja vajuta Next.

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4. Järgmises aknas sisesta võrgu nimeks eduroam ja Security type'ks määra rippmenüüst WPA-2 Enterprise. Peale seda vajuta Next.

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5. Vajuta valikul Change connection settings.

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6. Avanenud aknas vali vaheleht Security. Veendu, et Choose a network authentication method rippmenüüs oleks valik Microsoft: Protected EAP (PEAP) ja vajuta nupule Settings.

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7. Avanenud aknas eemalda linnuke valikult Verify server's identity by validating the certificate. Seejärel vajuta nupule Configure.

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8. Avanenud aknas eemalda linnuke ja vajuta OK.

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9. Vajuta OK.

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10. Vajuta nupule Advanced settings.

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11. Pane linnuke lahtrisse Specify authentication mode ja vali rippmenüüst User authentication. Seejärel vajuta nupule Save Credentials.

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12. Peale Save Credentials nupule vajutamist, sisesta avanenud aknas oma kasutajatunnus kujul ja parool vastavatesse lahtritesse ja vajuta OK.

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13. Sulge kõik aknad vajutades nuppudele OK ja Close. Arvuti peaks end hetke pärast võrguga ära ühendama.


Connecting to eduroam (Windows 10)

1. Open


2. Find the network called eduroam  and click on it. Tick the Connect automatically checkbox and click Connect.

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3. A window will open, where you will be prompted for your username and password. Enter your university username in the form of and your password in the designated fields. Click OK.

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4. You might be prompted for additional confirmation when connecting. Click Connect.

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5. Your computer should now be connected to eduroam.

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6. If connecting to eduroam fails, please follow the alternative instructions for setting up the connection.

Alternative configuration (Windows 10)


the Network and Sharing Center. Right click on the network connection icon and choose


the Open Network and Sharing


Center from the context menu.

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2. Click on Set up a new connection or network.

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3. Choose Manually connect to a wireless network from the list and click Next.

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4. Enter eduroam as the network name and set


the Security type


 to WPA-2 Enterprise. Click Next.

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5. Click on Change connection settings.

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6. Open the Security tab. make sure the Choose a network authentication method is set to Microsoft: Protected EAP (PEAP) and click Settings.

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7. Remove the tick from the Verify server's identity by validating the certificate checkbox. After that, click the Configure button.

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8.Remove the tick from the checkox that


says Automatically use my Windows log-on name and password


 and click OK.

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9. Click OK.

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10. Click on Advanced settings.

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11. Tick the checkbox that says Specify authentication mode and choose User


authentication from the drop-down menu. After that, click on Save Credentials.

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12. After clicking Save Credentials enter your username in the


form and your password in the designated fields. Click OK.

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13. Close all the open windows by clicking OK and Close. In a moment your computer will establish the connection, if all of the settings are correct.