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In this guide, you'll find answers to video recording software questions about using Panopto.


  1. In the Primary Sources area, make sure Audio is selected and the audio identifier is moving.
    1. If you want to show a video image as well, select your video source under Video.
    2. Quality is recommended to be set to High.
  2. In Secondary Sources, select Capture PowerPoint.

On a Mac, the user interface is different, and terms such as Capture PowerPoint are Record PowerPoint on a Mac. In addition, saving slides is listed separately in the Slides area, while in Windows the inclusion of slides is under Secondary Sources.

  1. In the Primary Sources area, make sure Audio is selected and the audio identifier is moving.
    1. If you want to show a video image as well, select your video source under Video.
    2. Quality is recommended to be set to High.
  2. In Secondary Sources, select Capture PowerPoint and Capture Main Screen.
    1. In the adjacent window, it is possible to change the settings of the recorded screen according to the desired result:
      1. If you want to record smooth animation or movement on the screen, you should change the FPS (frames per seconds) settings and change them to at least 24 FPS.
      2. If you just wants to record the screen, for example, to show a data table, you should set the FPS setting to, e.g. four by default, because the frame rate of the screen is not very important in this case.

Changing the Secondary Sources settings can be based on the FPS setting, which automatically changes other values. Overall they are fine, but if it is detected during the recording of the recording that the quality is poor, it is helpful to make a test recording in advance to check the recording. Since higher settings require more work from the computer, it must be kept in mind that not all machines are capable of recording with maximum settings.

If the computer has several screens, it is also possible to save only one screen in particular.

Mac recording settings can be changed by opening Panopto > Preferences from the top menu.

Configure the desired settings for both Primary and Secondary Sources.

NB! It is important to check the Webcast option to start the webcast. After you start recording, you will be given a link that you can share with your participants.

NB! It is also possible to prepare the webcast link in advance. To do this, a webcast link must be created on the UT Panopto website:

Creating a webcast link:

NB! The webcast is not a live broadcast, but the broadcast has a delay of up to a minute to better share resources in case of a large number of viewers.

In Panopto, it is also possible to grant recording rights to students. To do this, you need to enter the corresponding Panopto course folder in Panopto and create a subfolder of tasks (Create Assignment Folder) on the tab of the folder settings Overview.

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